Advanced Materials Magazine is focused on composite materials technology and business and publishes latest information, news, interviews with experts, feature articles, opinions etc.
Advanced Materials Magazine is part of Tech Trans Digital, engaged in information dissemination and networking in the field of advanced materials particularly in composites, through digital platforms.
The Magazine in digital version, publishes monthly news, interview, opinion, explainer, feature articles etc. related to composites technology and business. The magazine is free and distributed through email to subscribers. Subscription form is available in the website.
The Suppliers’ Directory provides opportunity to suppliers and service providers to show case their product and service and to connect with their target customers directly.
The Webinars provide a platform to reach targeted customers for updating technologies and products
Dr. A Selvam – Editor
K R Pillai – Managing Editor
Editorial Contributions
Invite press releases/ announcements from business and other organizations
Invite feature/opinion articles from experts in the field of composites technology and business
For more information contact:,
+91 99994146216/ +91 9444385694