This strategic step marks a substantial expansion of ENGEL’s regional manufacturing capabilities, aimed at providing faster delivery times and increased availability of injection molding machines
The plant now extends beyond glass-reinforced plastic manufacturing to provide different advanced composites solutions for railways, automotive, defence, aerospace and infrastructure sectors
Metsä Group (Finland) announced that it takes a big step forward in the development of Kuura and starts pre-engineering the first commercial Kuura textile fibre mill
Journal of Materials Science: Composites, a Springer Nature Link journal, calls for Papers for publication under open collection on “Landscaping Composite Innovations in India”
IUST in collaboration with DST-PURSE and supported by the DRDO organized a two-day international conference on Advanced Materials for Health, Environment, and Energy (ICAMHEE-2025).
The cooperation agreement between the two companies allows Bodo Möller Chemie to extend its product portfolio to include extremely strong, stiff, and lightweight carbon fibre products.
Base Materials has announced a strategic collaboration with Triton Submarines LLC to support the upgrade of the Triton 7500/3, the world’s deepest diving three-person acrylic submersible.
JBI Aerospace and VIK-COMPOSITE GmbH, Germany have announced a strategic alliance to strengthen the Indian composite industry, with a sharp focus on Aerospace, Space, and Defence applications